Saturday, May 20, 2023
1:00 - 3:45 PM
Wing Luke Museum
719 South King Street, Seattle, WA 98104
Registration Required
Free Community Program
Registrants get free General Admission to Wing Luke Museum
Seats are limited.
Guests who register will have seating priority up to 5 minutes after the start of the program only.
Doors into the Theatre will open at 1 PM.
For more information about accessibility, please contact or call 206.623.5124
Presented by: Cathay Bank, OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates of Greater Seattle (OCA-GS), Chinese American Citizens Alliance, the University of Washington’s American Ethnic Studies department and the Wing Luke Museum.
Photos courtesy of the artist Stewart Wong and filmmakers Maria Gargiulo and Han Eckelberg.
Engage with three different artists who explore issues related to Seattle's Chinatown:
Maria Gargiulo's East of Occidental (1986, 34 mins), Han Eckelberg's Mak Fai Insider (2022, 16 mins 29 sec), and Stewart Wong and the 1886 Chinese Expulsion Art Project.
Guests to this program are also welcome to visit Nobody Lives Here:The People in the Path of Progress, a new exhibit at the Wing Luke Museum, highlighting the displacement of the CID community in the 1960s. This exhibit, including illustrations and text by artist and historian Tess Hulls, focuses on the impact that the building of the I-5 freeway had on businesses, homes and people through research, photos and oral histories. (This exhibit is separate from the screenings and panel presentation. Guests may visit on their own, the day of this program.)