Wing Luke Museum has been a member of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) since 2008. ICSC is a global network of more than 370 museums, culture organizations and places of memory dedicated to historical interpretation and dialogue on social issues. 

On November 21, 2023, ICSC issued a public letter to its members that called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. After a significant period of internal discussion with diverse stakeholders, dialogue and learning, we confirmed that our organization and community holds a firm belief in nonviolence and racial justice as core values, and abhors oppression in all forms. For this reason, the Wing Luke Museum signed on to this public letter in June 2024. 

As an institution that the general public looks to for values, guidance, comfort, and history-keeping, the Wing Luke Museum acknowledges its delay in making a public statement since October 2023 and has signed on to the ICSC Call to Action ceasefire statement below. We believe that nothing is more imperative than the sanctity and preservation of human life. We humbly apologize for the harm caused by delaying a public expression of our moral position.


Today, Sites of Conscience around the world call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the respect for human rights and international humanitarian law by all parties, and the provision without restriction of humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza.

We, as a global network of institutions committed to human rights and social justice, refuse to be bystanders in the face of the moral failure and the humanitarian disaster that is unfolding. We refuse to fail our shared humanity and our promise for Never Again.

The International Coalition of Sites of Conscience’s analysis of the situation in Palestine and Israel, which is grounded in the work of its members around the world here